Legal Questions
What does "manifest" mean in AZ Rev Statutes 36-551?
I am legal guardian of a developmentally disabled adult who has been denied eligibility for services from Division of Developmentally Disability. Appeal hearing is soon and they will argue that "proof" (like a psych evaluation by a psychologist) of disability prior to age 18 is required. They do not accept the definition of the word "manifest" to mean "apparent" and "not requiring proof". They say the law requires something like a psych eval before age 18. The adult is now 66 so documents from 48+ years ago (when she was 18) are lost or misplaced. A good Arizona paralegal should be able to provide me the ammo I need to argue that the early-age disability only needs to have been "apparent". Furthermore, the law does not require it to have been documented as apparent to a psychologist - a counselor, physician, or case manager (or even a family member) would be sufficient. I have documentary evidence of all of that.