Legal Insights

  • 4 Reasons You Should Call a Lawyer After a Car Accident

    It only takes a split second to be involved in a car accident. Over 6 million accidents happen on the roads each year from San Antonio to Sarasota, making it more than possible that you may be involved in a crash at some time in your life. Whether you are lucky enough to only have a few dents in your car, or you sustain injuries during a crash, it can be both physically and emotionally traumatizing. When you are involved in a car accident, it can be upsetting to the point of not being sure w...
  • 7 Things to Look For in a Good Lawyer

    Of all the things you may think of skimping on, never skimp on legal aid. According to The Nye Law Group, your choice of lawyer significantly alters the outcome of your legal problem, and many people who have lost a court case have often lost due to poor representation in court. So what exactly is the definition of a good lawyer? And how do you tell which lawyer will handle your case correctly and heighten your chances of winning? Here are seven things to look for in a good lawyer: What to Look ...
  • 5 Types of Lawyers You Might Need

    You will likely encounter various types of lawyers during your life, from purchasing your first home to planning for retirement and everything in between. Lawyers can assist you in filing a court appeal or fighting for custody. All you'll need to do is figure out what kind of legal issue you're dealing with before deciding which lawyer is ideal for resolving your problems. Who Is the Right Lawyer for Your Case? This generally depends on what sort of trouble you are in or what sort of mess you wa...
  • Unum Appeal: 3 Steps To Take After Denial Of Disability Benefits

    Applying for insurance can be a great help in mitigating the risks brought about by the unpredictability of life. Disability insurance, for one, is a valuable thing to have, whether your condition is long-term or short-term. Fortunately, there are many insurance companies that offer disability benefits. One of the more well-known examples is Unum. As a Fortune 500 company, Unum is one of the top insurers for disability claims. Whether you’re recovering from a pregnancy and on maternity leave...
  • 6 Steps to Take If You’re Involved in a Car Accident

    A car accident is a nerve-wracking experience. It brings trauma and emotions that limit your ability to think clearly. This could lead to making mistakes that reduce your chances of getting compensation from car insurance companies. Read on for six steps to take if you are involved in a car accident to protect your rights. 1. Check for injuries After a car accident, the first thing to do is make sure that you and the other parties involved, including your passengers, are safe. If the accide...
  • Dealing With Medical Malpractice From Singular Errors to Ongoing Neglect 

    Some of the most distressing cases of medical malpractice involve serious errors in surgery where doctors operate on the wrong part of the body or remove healthy organs and limbs unnecessarily. Cases aren’t always as extreme but, whether a patient is injured through surgical error or left to die from an easily treatable infection, all cases of negligence should be reported and scrutinized in order to hold those responsible to account. If after thorough investigation there is suff...
  • Can I Sue a Business Partner for Negligence?

    Negligence is when someone is careless with their responsibilities or duties. In a business, when a business partner is negligent, they are careless regarding their responsibilities that have to do with the business. Dealing with a situation where your business partner has been negligent can be frustrating and complicated. After all, you trusted each other enough that you decided to go into business together. But, if your business partner is negligent, you have the right to sue them. A good ...
  • How To Choose The Right Product Liability Lawyer

    If you purchase a product that caused you injury or damage after use, you may qualify for compensation if you get a good lawyer to file a product liability case. But such cases are not easy. They're highly complex and require you to work with your attorney to determine whether filing a lawsuit against the product seller or manufacturer would enable you to receive just compensation for injuries sustained.   To pick the right product liability lawyer, you need to understand the different...
  • Wrongful Death From Food Poisoning: 5 Things To Know

    What was your lunch yesterday? Oh, is it your favorite rib-eye steak with mushroom au jus and herbed marble potatoes on the side? Whatever it is, if you’re feeling sick because of it, that may be a sign of food poisoning. So, what is food poisoning? Food poisoning occurs when someone has eaten food that is not safe for consumption as it may be expired or contaminated. Food contamination may be due to physical, biological, and chemical factors. Common symptoms of food poisoning include nau...
  • How Is Income Calculated for the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Means Test?

    Every debt relief tool has to meet certain requirements. For a bankruptcy discharge under Chapter 7, then you need to meet requirements based on your income. To make the bankruptcy discharge fair, the US Congress passed a test, which is known as the means test. These changes were made in 2005. When you “pass” the means test, it qualifies you for a bankruptcy discharge under Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Let’s cover the bankruptcy means test anyhow income is calculated. How Does the Means Test W...
  • How To Settle An Estate Without A Will

    Realistically speaking, many people fail to write a will before they die. In short, there's no legal document that can communicate their final wishes regarding their assets and dependents, if there are any. When this happens, the surviving family or loved ones may not know how to settle the deceased person's estate. In most cases, settling an estate means having the assets distributed to the heirs or beneficiaries according to the deceased person's will. If there's no will, the law will dictat...
  • 5 Crucial Elements of a Service Agreement

    If you’re running a business, you may be aware that nothing that’s said through word-of-mouth or causally passed across is actually worth anything, because it can always be changed or manipulated. This is why everything needs to be put down on paper, to avoid any kind of confusion or disagreements due to misunderstandings that can arise in the future. A service agreement does just this, by listing out exactly what your business is agreeing to offer to customers - this includes disclaimers an...
  • What Questions Should I Ask My Personal Injury Lawyer?

    When you work with a personal injury lawyer for the first time, you may not understand how the settlement process works and what your next steps are. Picking the right personal injury lawyer can make all the difference between a positive or negative experience. Settlements require a lot of information to support your case in addition to a negotiation strategy, so your attorney should have plenty of experience and a proven track record of success. You can ask your personal injury lawyer clari...
  • Steps in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

    If you have suffered an injury in an accident, you may have decided to work with a personal injury attorney to file a claim and fight against the other party and get the compensation you deserve. However, there is a chance that this will be your first time in this situation, and you may have some doubts as to what the steps in a personal injury lawsuit are and what you can expect in the end. Let’s find out. Meet With Your Attorney When you first meet with your attorney, you must explain wh...
  • 6 Telltale Signs Your Law Firm Needs An Online Booking System

    Many people consult lawyers from time to time to address their legal concerns and seek clarification on various legal matters. Hence, it’s usual for law offices to have a long list of clients and cases each day. If your law firm is one of them, it’s crucial to employ an online booking system to ensure you’re not missing any potential clients. In addition to this, getting an online booking system may be necessary for your firm if you notice the following signs. 1. Too Many Legal Inquiri...
  • What to Consider Before Filing a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

    If you or someone close to you has been the victim of medical error, then it may be time to consider filing a lawsuit. Medical malpractice is negligence in medical care that results in injury or death. It can take many forms, and victims often experience emotional distress and financial difficulties. However, before you file a lawsuit, there are some things to consider: What Kind of Injury Did Your Loved One Suffer? First, you need to understand what type of harm your loved one has suffere...
  • Tips To Improve Your Law Firms Local Rankings in Google

    Some companies struggle to get noticed online while others seem to do so swimmingly. It is no secret how to rank well on Google, you just have to try a variety of marketing approaches. Getting online recognition will help the right customers find you so that you can provide value to their lives. Try these techniques to help boost your online visibility and increase your chances of web traffic conversion. Optimize your Google My Business Listing Make sure that your local listing appears on G...
  • Determining Fault in an Accident

    Whenever you have a car accident, you will have to deal with a lot of pain, medical appointments, and multiple bills. Most people have to rely on insurance to pay their bills after a car accident. Establishing who is at fault in a collision in the state of California can be critical to getting your bills paid. Insurance in The Golden State California is a tort state when it comes to auto insurance. This means that the person who is responsible for causing an accident is also responsible for ...
  • Complete Last Will and Testament Glossary Guide

    In the United States, the most important document for each person is the Last Will. Just imagine how many questions and problems this document solves if a person draws it up in time and notarizes it. This document determines who will receive your property and in what percentage. Unfortunately, many people neglect these documents because they do not see them as important and necessary. However, do not rush to think so! You must take a serious and responsible approach to compose the Last Will be...
  • 6 Benefits Of Hiring A DUI lawyer

    It takes only one or two drinks to get charged with a DUI felony, meaning that driving home after having a few drinks with your friends is a huge risk, even though you might think that your mental faculties are not impaired and even though you might think that you are perfectly capable of operating a vehicle. The truth is that, even if you are capable of driving, the police officer that pulls you over will still take action after realizing that you have had something to drink. After all, you a...