Which Type of Personal Injuries are the Most Common in Lawsuits?
Millions of people get injured unintentionally in the United States every year. According to statistics gathered by the Centers for Disease Control, over 39.5 million people go to doctors each year because of accidental injuries. A further 24.5 million people have to go to the emergency room because of accidental injuries as well.
Accidental injuries are the stuff of lawsuits if they happen due to someone else's mistakes or because of their carelessness. But what are the most common types of injuries that appear in lawsuits? And what are some tips you should follow when you're considering taking an injury to court?
Common Type of Injuries
Here are some of the most common types of injuries that usually end up in court or in lawsuits. Understanding them can be key to avoiding such incidents.
1) Car Accidents
Approximately 4.4 million people get seriously injured due to car accidents in the United States every year. Note that car accidents don't have to happen in the road or involve other vehicles. You could accidentally back your pickup truck down a steep embankment or crash your bobber motorcycle into a wall. You could file a lawsuit If another driver involved was negligent in some way. For example, if they were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or distracted by their phone. They're also open for lawsuits if they were speeding or ignoring the area's traffic laws.
2) Falls and Slips
Falling or slipping can lead to serious injuries, especially for older adults. According to one estimate, one fourth of all Americans over the age of 65 will suffer a fall annually. The same study claims that falls and slips are the most common cause of deadly injuries among the same age demographic. Such accidents often cause broken bones or adversely affect the spinal cord. Consultation with a spinal cord injury lawyer may be necessary if a set of non-slip stairs weren't effective at all or if someone pushed an older adult you know. Such events could mean someone else is to blame for an older adult's dangerous injury and you could rightly demand compensation.
3) Medical Accidents and Malpractice
Medical malpractice claims can cover a wide range of incidents and accidents. It could be a doctor misdiagnosed you or your loved one. Or it could be someone gave you the wrong dosage or even the wrong type of medicine entirely. Remember that there is a difference between a medical mistake and a case of medical malpractice. The latter implies negligence and has far more dire consequences for the guilty party. Most hospitals and practitioners are willing to settle out of court, usually for amounts exceeding $500,000 due to the associated costs of such an incident.
4) Physical Assault
Crime and gun violence can lead to injuries which will undoubtedly affect your ability to work. Aside from a criminal case, most likely a felony, you can file a personal injury claim against someone who has physically assaulted you. This claim should hopefully include your medical bills, lost income and other monies owed to you due to their attack.
5) Accidents in the Workplace
Finally, you can suffer a debilitating injury in the workplace, no matter what industry you work in. However, if you plan on filing a lawsuit against the owner of the business, you must prove they made an error or were negligent. For example, if the business chose to cut corners or operate in conditions below safety standards, you have a reasonable degree of success in winning such a lawsuit.
Tips for Filing Injury Claims
If you want your injury claim to succeed, there are several tips you need to consider when you're filing. Following these tips can be essential in securing victory and your well-being.
Get Treatments at Once
Seek medical attention as soon as possible for yourself or for the injured party. Once medical professionals are on the case, have someone document your injuries while its being treated. This will be invaluable in proving the extent of your injuries immediately after the accident.
Determine Insurance Coverage
Ask if the other party's insurance policy covers the injury or damages caused by the accident. This may help defer some costs such as vehicular repair or medical bills. Insurers can also perform independent investigations if there is need for it, which can be useful when filing a claim.
Gather Medical Information
Once you've decided to file your claim, you have to gather as much medical information and documentation as you can get. For example, X-rays, CT scans of your injury and the initial doctor's reports are all useful in determining how debilitating the injury is. This information is essential in calculating lost wages as well as medical bills in the future.
See If You Can Settle
Finally, see if the other party is willing to settle out of court rather than a protracted legal battle. Settling can provide you with ample compensation without a lengthy court case or associated costs. However, use the information you've gathered on your lost wages and medical expenses, both in the past and in the future, to determine if any settlement offered to you is fair.
Injuries can hurt, but sometimes they can damage more than your body. A significant injury could cost you your job and your wages, eventually snowballing into a greater issue. This guide can help you understand more about injuries and how to file a claim.
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