What Causes Pedestrian Accidents?

According to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), nearly 7,000 people lost their lives and an estimated 76,000 were injured in pedestrian accidents in 2020, and that’s despite COVID-19-related motor vehicle declines.
With those numbers appearing to increase year on year, you might be curious about why so many pedestrians are involved in accidents and what to do if one should happen to you. You may be surprised by some of the leading causes below.

Drug and Alcohol Impairment

Any Gwinnett County personal injury attorney can share their insight on the most common causes of pedestrian accidents, but an all-too-familiar answer is drug and alcohol impairment. The GHSA reported that alcohol impairment by the driver or pedestrian was reported in almost half of accidents that involved a pedestrian fatality.
Under the influence of drugs or alcohol, drivers may make dangerous driving maneuvers, such as driving through crosswalks against traffic lights. Pedestrians under the influence may also be less aware of their surroundings. Many personal injury attorneys encounter these very situations.

Distracted Drivers

When drivers spend so much time on the road and become familiar with their area, it can be easy to get complacent. As they know the road, they may not give it their complete focus 100% of the time.
However, distracted driving is a major cause of pedestrian accidents and claims thousands of lives annually. Each time a driver reaches for something to eat, fiddles with the stereo, answers the phone, or sends a text, they are putting themselves and others at risk.


Some drivers can be running late for work or in a hurry to get to their destination and don’t act as they should on the road. They might fail to give way to pedestrians, or even try to drive around them on crosswalks. This disregard for a pedestrian’s right of way may lead to accidents involving those pedestrians.

Poor Weather

Hazardous driving and walking conditions can be a recipe for disaster. Rainfall can make it challenging to see all hazards and obstacles, including pedestrians, while vehicles may not have the same stopping time as they would in ordinary weather conditions. Pedestrians may even be at risk of an accident if a driver loses control in adverse weather like snow or ice.

What to Do When You’re Involved in a Pedestrian Accident

No matter how safe your community appears to be for biking and walking, accidents happen. Being involved in a pedestrian accident, no matter the cause, can turn your entire world upside down and also cause extreme financial difficulty.
If you find yourself in this position, seeking legal assistance may be an excellent first step. Once you have sought medical help, contact a personal injury attorney and find out what your options might be. They may recommend filing an accident claim and seeking compensation for your injuries.
Pedestrian accidents occur for a range of different reasons and can be devastating for families. If you or your loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident due to someone’s ill intentions or negligence, you may see the value in seeking legal representation to fight for your right to the compensation you deserve. 

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Posted - 03/11/2022