Tips for Generating Clients
Becoming a successful attorney these days is extremely challenging because there is so much competition out there. The days of being the only show in town is over. So how do you get clients and develop a book of business? Here are three tips to help you get out there, get noticed, and start generating clients.
We aren’t the first to say it, nor will we be the last, but networking events are absolutely crucial for attorneys. While they may seem daunting, the reality is that everyone at them is there for the same purpose--to meet new people and develop contacts--so if you go to them in a good mood, looking to talk to people, they can be a great opportunity to enjoy yourself while making solid connections. These events allow attorneys to not only develop clients, but equally as important, referral sources. Start with attorney organizations and non-attorney organizations in the fields and industries you practice in--they are usually happy to help you develop your practice (in exchange for joining their organization) and can be a great source of business and contacts.
Social Media
It’s no secret anymore - social
media is a necessary component of business, no matter what industry you’re in.
In the legal world, it’s more important than ever. Establishing and maintaining
a proper social media presence is crucial to creating and upholding a great
public image.
Picture a poor LinkedIn profile - it’s incomplete, includes no picture, and contains no substantive information. Not only does it not help the attorney it get business--it drives business away because when potential clients search for that attorney, all they find is an incomplete LinkedIn profile. If you are unwilling devote the two minutes necessary to complete a LinkedIn profile, imagine what that indicates to potential clients about your ability to complete their legal job. Now picture a great LinkedIn profile--fully completed, articles posted, organizations identified, and awards identified. This profile lets people know that you are willing to devote the time and attention to portray yourself properly, and equally as important, are an expert in your field.
Similarly, a good Facebook
profile helps you reach a large audience of potential clients and referral
sources that you wouldn’t otherwise come into contact with in a business
setting. If you don’t want to set up a page for your practice, just use
your personal page to periodically post work-related topics, articles, and/or
accomplishments. You will be surprised how many of your contacts don’t
know that you’re an attorney or know that you’re an attorney but don’t know
what type of law you practice. Making these people of aware of what you
do will get you business. It may take some time, but it will get you
Legal Services Link
This is going to sound self-serving, but join Legal Services Link. Seriously. It will get you business. For those that don’t know what Legal Services Link is, it is a newly-launched website that creates an online forum where attorneys can quickly, easily, and informatively connect directly with people and businesses that have legal needs NOW. revolutionizes the legal hiring process by allowing individuals and businesses with legal needs to post short summaries of their legal needs to the site for review and application by attorneys interested in satisfying those legal needs. It effectively allows attorneys to develop clients from the comfort of their office chair, at the click of a button. Sign up for your FREE account, post your FREE profile, and start generating clients today!
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