Legal Help in the Event of Wrongful Death

The death of a loved one is the biggest challenges and most painful experience that anyone can go through. Navigating the healing process and the stages of grief can be challenging enough, without the additional stress upon those whose loved one died as a result of negligence or the intentional actions of someone else. If this the situation in which you find yourself, your pain cannot be understated. At the same time as dealing with your grief, you are undoubtedly anxious to receive some kind of legal assistance. While this will by no means eliminate the pain you’re feeling, it can bring a sense of justice as well as necessary financial support to the grieving family that are left behind. If navigating grief is challenging, navigating grief and your legal rights can feel impossible. At this vulnerable stage, you need reliable advice and support to help you seek justice and get the compensation you deserve. In such cases, it is wise to seek the assistance of a wrongful death attorney that can take on your case and represent you to get the help you need. The information to follow will go into the legalities of wrongful death in a little more detail so that you have the basic knowledge you need to pursue the legal support you require.

What is Wrongful Death?

While the specific legalities fluctuate across states, under many laws wrongful death is defined as the death of someone cause by another person or entity, either due to their negligence or intentional action. From car accidents to medical malpractice, wrongful death can happen in many different scenarios. For it to be considered wrongful, it must be a direct consequence of another person actions, neglect, or failure to care. This person or entity in question must also have reason to know that the potential outcome of their actions is accidental death. Often, the death must be proved as wrongful and that it was the direct result of another’s actions. The compensation that the family can purses could be financial reimbursement for monetary damages like medical expenses and funeral bills, or nonmonetary damages like emotional pain and distress. An knowledgeable law attorney, particularly one with experience in wrongful death cases, will be able to help you go through all the needed processes and legal options in order to form a strong case that will result in a successful claim.

What Are the Laws Surrounding Wrongful Death?

The purpose of the laws surrounding wrongful deaths is to protect the rights of ones like you, loved ones and family members who are left grieved by an accidental death caused by another person. It empowers such families who have suffered a devastating loss to file a claim against any party that may have contributed to the death of their loved one. These parties could include manufacturers who produced faulty products, or negligent drivers who cause death by their dangerous driving. A legal attorney will have knowledge and experience in the area in order to ensure that your rights are protected, and your interests are upheld.

What Are the Different Types of Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

There are a few examples of wrongful death lawsuits, various scenarios that cause either accidental or intentional death that could be judged to be wrongful.

Abuse or neglect

If a person died due to either physical or emotional abuse, or if their needs were neglected, this can be the basis of a lawsuit for wrongful death. It could be a parent or caregiver that was responsible for the abuse and neglect and sometimes this can lead to accidental death.

Car accidents

While car safety and technology are always improving, fatal car accidents still happen often because of negligent drivers failing to drive safely. If such actions caused the death of your loved one, you may be eligible to claim a lawsuit against the driver that is to blame.

Medical malpractice

If you entrusted your loved one to the care of a medical professional who failed to make the right diagnosis, made an error in treatment or neglected the patient causing their death, the evidence could be collected to build a strong case for a wrongful death lawsuit.

Workplace accidents

Either negligence or wilful behaviour could cause accidental death in the workplace. As the effected family, you may choose to file a lawsuit against the company they worked for that failed to protect their worker.

Defective products

If a person has been killed by a faulty or poorly designed product, the family of the victim can file a claim of a wrongful death lawsuit against the manufacturer. Their design error, improper distribution, or misleading marketing could be one of the factors that lead to the accidence

Help For Those Grieving

On the one hand there is a sense of urgency if you are looking to file a wrongful death claim, as many states require the action to be filed within certain time of the date of death. If the claim is made after this deadline, you will likely be unable to recover any damages. On the other hand, while there is a deadline to be met, there are a great deal of professional experts out there to assist you during this difficult time that can make the whole process a lot easier. Find a reliable and responsible attorney that you can trust to take your case and do the heavy lifting. Besides that, seek help from medical professionals who can help you to navigate the difficult emotions you are feeling and follow the advice of grief counsellors as you make steps towards healing. Don’t let the legalities consume your life, leave that to the professionals. Instead, remember to get enough sleep, take care of your health, exercise and eat well, relying on your friends and family for support. You will come out the other side of this difficult challenge when you heed the advice of those who know best, both medically, personally, and legally. 

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Posted - 03/07/2023