Is Your Law Firm Doing These 3 Legal Marketing Mistakes?

There was an era when law firms were prohibited from marketing themselves and advertising their services. Lawyers were prohibited from actively soliciting business from the general public. As legal practitioners, many believed that lawyers should just wait for clients to walk into their firms and hire them. But things are a bit different now, especially with the increase of social networking platforms.
Law firms may now actively seek to promote themselves. They usually start by building a website that can serve as an engine for their other marketing efforts. It would be advisable to hire a law firm web design company to get the best results for your law firm redesign project. Here are some of the legal marketing mistakes that some law firms aren’t even aware that they’ve already done.

1. Not Updating Your Website

One of the biggest mistakes in legal marketing that some law firms unknowingly commit is that they don’t update their website. If you have one, constantly manage your website by updating its contents at least once a month. If the last post on your website was an article on frequently asked questions (FAQs) that happened years ago, it can indicate a negative perception to people who land on your website and browse your pages.
Even if all your credentials and those of your associates are impressive, an outdated website is like a physical law office that was closed in a year or two. At the very least, it will create doubt in the minds of your potential clients whether you’re actively operating as a law firm. If you haven’t updated your website in a year, chances are that there are other articles or posts there which would show your website’s age and the last time it was updated.

2. Not Using Analytics To Understand Market

Aside from the aesthetics of your website, another common mistake among law firms is that they don’t make the most of the powerful features and functionalities of their websites. Most websites and search engines already have smart analytics features and functionalities. It allows law firms to look at the data on the origin, profile, and preferences of the people who visit their websites.
Analytics can help law firms can gain a better understanding of the people who landed on their websites. Inside the analytics dashboard, you’ll be able to see the demographic profile of those who visited your website. It is crucial. You won’t be able to tailor the content of your website that well if you don’t review your website’s analytics.
Data analytics also give you a peek into the behavior of your users and potential clients. It is especially important if you’re still testing whether the various lead magnets that you put up on your website and social media pages are hooking them in. If they seemed interested, they’d be downloading your lead magnet and giving their email addresses in exchange. Once you have their email addresses, this is a chance to reach out and offer your services.

3. Not Having Social Media Presence

Another common mistake of law firms in their marketing strategies and efforts is not making an active social media presence. Regardless of your views and preferences about social media, the fact is that most of your potential clients spend a lot of time checking their social media accounts.
The obvious advantage of social media is that the social network and community is already there. Every potential client with a social media network is also your way to share or echo your messaging to their respective networks. Most social media platforms also have analytics and functionalities. Some firms even hire third-party marketing agents to promote their practice.
You can use the analytics and other functionalities of social media pages to learn more about the profiles, locations, and preferences, as well as the behavior of those who visit your social media pages. They’ve already shown interest. It’s possible that they need legal services but haven’t gotten to engaging anyone yet. Help them get there to hire you.


In the highly-competitive legal profession and industry, not doing your legal marketing campaign can hurt your public reputation. But there are common legal marketing mistakes that you should avoid. For example, you might have neglected the status of your website. You might have also been underutilizing the analytics of your online campaign. Another is that you might not have built your social media presence. If you're looking to market your legal services better, you must begin to recognize these mistakes and avoid them.  

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Posted - 01/04/2022