How To Safeguard Your Digital Assets In 2023

Digital assets are any form of online files or information. These may include social media profiles, websites, emails, photographs, music, or cryptocurrency. While other assets have direct monetary value, some items provide access to physical or data assets with monetary value. For several people, digital assets can be priceless gems that need safeguarding.

Unfortunately, digital assets are prone to online threats like data breaches. Once it happens, it may damage not only your reputation but also your finances. To avoid that, here are some of the ways to safeguard your digital assets:

Work With An Estate Planning Attorney

Some state laws require business owners and individuals to create a plan to protect their digital assets. These may include giving a family member or financial planner access to all accounts. If you haven’t thought about working with an estate planning attorney, it’s time to look for one to take care of your concerns about digital assets.

Law firms similar to Montague have a team of experienced lawyers or legal professionals who can assist with your digital asset protection needs. Even if you think you can handle safeguarding your digital assets by yourself, remember that legal matters can be complicated. But with the help of lawyers, you’ll be equipped with knowledge about what matters in protecting your digital assets.

Install Updates Regularly

If your digital assets include systems that require updates, make sure to install them regularly as soon as they’re available. Updates serve as security patches that’ll keep your critical applications safe. If you often forget about updating your systems, assign someone to plan and install the updates for you.

Hire And Consult Digital Asset Management (DAM) Experts

Even if you add digital assets to your estate planning to safeguard them, you may need the help of people who work in the field of digital asset protection. These professionals exist to resolve various issues, including cyber threats. Other than educating yourself or your employees regarding the risks that online interactions bring, hiring and consulting with DAM experts is always an excellent idea.

The good thing about hiring these experts is that they can implement security measures quickly and manage accessibility. They can also ensure that best practices and regulations are followed for compliance.

Implement Two-Factor Verification (2FA)

Two-factor authentication, also referred to as two-step verification, is one of the ways to safeguard your digital assets. It increases security when someone logs in to online services. 2FA works easily—when users enter the password or login details, a verification code is sent via email or text message. Then, users need to enter the code before they can access the account successfully.

Implementing 2FA is beneficial to prevent unauthorized access and stop hackers from stealing your data. The simplest way to incorporate it is to use dedicated apps with authentication or verification settings.

Use Encryption

In addition to 2FA, you can use encryption to protect your digital assets. Generally, encryption works by transforming your data into unreadable formats. It’s often done using various methods such as ciphers, keys, and algorithms. When properly implemented, encryption can safeguard your digital assets from unauthorized individuals.

Invest In Cyber Insurance

Other than the typical insurance policies such as health insurance, investing in a cyber insurance policy can protect your digital assets against any online-based risks. These policies cover expenses related to business losses, investigations, or lawsuits in case of hacks or data breaches.

Some major insurance companies provide several options when it comes to cybersecurity insurance. Depending on the policy type and price, customers may expect to be covered for additional expenditures that may result from digital asset theft or physical destruction. These expenditures may include costs associated with data recovery and hiring experts.

Provide Cybersecurity Training

You may have a dedicated team protecting your digital assets. However, everybody in your organization plays a vital role. Remember that hackers may exploit a weak link in your organization, and that weakness may put your digital assets at risk.

To prevent this, provide cybersecurity training to your employees. Suppose you don’t have resources for training. In that case, you can opt for online training programs designed to help your employees be aware of cybersecurity and the online threats that may damage your digital assets.

Create An Action Plan

A breach may happen at any time, posing a danger to your digital assets. With that in mind, you need an action plan to deal with the worst-case scenarios. It means putting an emergency plan in place to counter live security breaches.

It may also involve planning for data recovery, downtime, and other management escalation strategies. Moreover, preparing a press release statement can help reduce your company’s reputational damage.

To create an effective action plan, it’s best to work with cybersecurity professionals. These experts know what essential protocols to include in your action plan and can determine which strategies work best for your company.


While you can’t eliminate the risks of data breaches, implementing the above tips can make a difference in protecting your digital assets. If you’re not confident about your efforts, never hesitate to hire professionals to help you keep your digital assets safe.

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Posted - 01/20/2023