Do You Know The Steps To Take After a Nevada Car Accident?

Vehicle accidents aren’t a rarity. Nevada drivers are involved in vehicle collisions every day. While some accidents are minor, others are catastrophic resulting in serious injuries and even fatalities.

Regardless of the accident’s severity, most drivers want to recover compensation for their damages. After all, no one wants to pay for damages out of their pockets, especially if the accident isn’t their fault.

You may be able to recover compensation but often only if you know the essential steps to take after a car accident. If you’re not sure what to do after a vehicle collision, here’s a look at the steps you should take.

Don’t Leave the Accident Scene

If you’re tempted to drive away after a minor car accident, you’re not alone. Waiting for the authorities to arrive can take a while, especially if the accident doesn’t result in injuries or fatalities.

You can easily exchange insurance and contact information with the other involved driver and everyone can get back to their lives. Leaving the scene of an accident may even be legal but it can still have consequences. You may find it a little harder to recover compensation for your damages.

Nevada doesn’t have clear laws regarding when it’s okay to leave the scene of an accident beyond allowing you to drive away if no one is injured and fatalities aren’t present. The state also gives you ten days to file an accident report.

What happens if you drive away without exchanging information with the other involved driver? You may be facing a hit-and-run charge and penalties can range from hefty fines to up to 20 years in jail. This also applies if you drive away from an accident with injuries and/or fatalities.

In most scenarios, it’s best to remain at the accident scene until the authorities arrive. Not only does this help ensure you’re following state law but it can also help support your version of events if you decide to file a compensation claim.

Assess Your Injuries

Not all vehicle collisions result in injuries. Sometimes, the only damage is a little chipped vehicle paint. However, even if you feel fine, it’s still a good idea to make an appointment with a healthcare provider. You may have internal bleeding or organ damage and it can take several days for signs and symptoms to appear.

If you have obvious injuries, decide if you need an ambulance ride or if you can make it to the hospital without assistance. Don’t forget to check on your passengers and others involved in the accident for injuries. The more information you can provide the emergency operator the better able they are to respond to your emergency.

Move Your Vehicle If Necessary

Some accidents aren’t blocking traffic or risking becoming a safety hazard for other drivers. If this applies to your accident scene don’t worry about moving the involved vehicles to a safer location. This also applies if you’re dealing with injuries. Leave your vehicle alone and wait for help to arrive.

However, if you’re able to move your vehicle to a safer location let the other involved parties know your next move. Suddenly getting behind the wheel may give the impression you’re trying to leave the accident scene. There’s no reason to add to the confusion. If you’re not sure what’s a safe area, try moving your vehicle to the shoulder or into a parking lot.

Start Documenting the Accident Scene

Don’t worry about documenting the accident scene if you’re dealing with serious injuries. Most of the information is included in your accident report. However, documenting the scene can help speed up the claim process.

Usually, it takes around ten business days for an accident report to be ready for pickup. Gathering some evidence at the scene can let you start filling out the paperwork while you’re waiting for the accident report.

While you want to gather some evidence, don’t go overboard. You’re probably not a licensed detective. However, if you’ve always wanted to see what it’s like to gather evidence, here’s your chance.

Grab your smartphone, you’re going to use the device’s camera app. Take pictures of your vehicle damage and of any visible injuries. If you haven’t moved the vehicles, try to get a picture of the position they ended up in. This can help prove liability if it comes into question.

Don’t worry about documenting the other involved vehicle/s. Emotions tend to run high after an accident and not everyone wants pictures taken of their vehicles. Leave this to the authorities.

Talk to Any Witnesses

Unless your vehicle accident happens on a lonely stretch of Nevada desert highway, there’s a good chance you’re going to have at least one or two witnesses to the incident. Go ahead and get the contact information from any witnesses. Their testimony may help support your version of events.

Chances are the witnesses are going to ask if you’re okay. Don’t admit you’re not injured, even if you appear fine. You may have internal injuries. Be polite but don’t get into any specifics about the accident or your health. The at-fault party’s insurance provider is also going to talk to the witnesses. You don’t want any statements you make to be used to try and reduce the value of your personal injury claim.

What If The Accident Isn’t Immediately Reported?

Not all vehicle accidents result in injuries or significant property damage. Nevada doesn’t require immediate reporting for all traffic accidents. If no one is injured, fatalities aren’t present, and vehicle damage is less than $750, you can drive away from the accident if the other involved parties agree.

You have ten days from the date of the accident to file a report with the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles. However, waiting to file an accident claim can make it harder to recover compensation for any damages.

Navigating the Personal Injury Claim Process

Even after following the necessary steps, filing a personal injury claim can still be challenging. Simply put, it’s not something that you should try to go at alone.

Working with an experienced accident attorney can simplify the process and help ensure you recover fair compensation for your Nevada car accident.

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Posted - 10/17/2024