Call Tracking for Lawyers: How To Generate and Convert More Clients

Allow me a data-driven guess: As a legal professional, you constantly look for new clients, trying to make your marketing as cost-effective as possible and less time-consuming. You need new clients, high conversion rates, and maximum retention – all lawyers do.

And there’s a technology that can help you achieve all these goals: call tracking. The right call tracking software suite can uncover the caller's journey from top to bottom while providing real-time insights to the lawyer on the other end and performing post-call analysis once the dust settles.

Without any further ado, let’s explore the intricacies of call marketing automation for law firms and what call tracking software suites are there to elevate your game.

How Law Firms Should Use Call Tracking, Step-by-Step

Since this is a basic call tracking guide, I’ll explain the entire process in detail as if you’ve never used call tracking before. Then, as you’ve grasped the basics, I’ll walk you through the best call tracking software suites on the market and explain which suite is better for which law firm.

Step 1 – Setting Call Tracking Numbers for Your Campaigns

When it comes to phone calls, law firm marketing starts with buying call tracking numbers and placing them on your traffic sources – websites, blogs, social media, ads, etc. – so potential clients are tracked once they dial the number and until the call is finished.

Here are the three types of call tracking numbers lawyers can use:
- International numbers International call tracking numbers – for example, +1 800 123 4567 – are perfect for clients outside the United States. These phone numbers allow you to tap into international markets and are extensively used by law firms that provide online services.
- Local numbers Local call tracking numbers – for example, (212) 555-1234 – use an area code of a target region. These phone numbers show excellent results in local campaigns because customers prefer local brands to their international counterparts.
- Vanity numbers Vanity phone numbers – for example, 844-PHONEXA – include the brand’s name or ideas so the law firm imprints in the caller’s mind.

Likewise, call tracking numbers are divided into static and dynamic.
- Static phone numbers are mostly used for traditional campaigns – TV, print ads, billboards, etc. – since they don’t change depending on the caller (every caller sees the same number).
- Dynamic phone numbers change according to the pre-set parameters – traffic source, marketing channel, location, etc. – with a different number displayed to different callers. The technology is called Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI).

Finally, all phone numbers can be toll-free or paid by the caller. Naturally, most of a law firm's digital marketing hinges on toll-free numbers because potential clients don’t want to pay for their calls, especially introductory calls or calls that don’t necessarily have clear value for them.

The good news is that some call tracking and pay-per-call service providers offer toll-free and local numbers as a part of their package, so you don’t have to pay separately for them.

Step 2 – Qualifying and Routing the Inbound Call

As the caller dials your dynamic phone number – remember, the one that changes depending on who the caller is, where they came from, and other pertinent data – they instantly connect to a live operator or (for bigger businesses) are pre-qualified with an IVR system.

Here’s the data the call tracking software has already collected:
- Source data: The marketing channel that generated a call – SEO, social media, Google ads, etc. – and the URL where the call was initiated
- Caller data:  The caller’s location – the state and city that sources the call – and sometimes even demographics if the call tracking software is integrated with data collection software

Having considered all this data, the IVR zeroes in on the customer by asking relevant questions and then solves their request on the spot – general requests regarding working hours, payments, etc. – or routes the caller to the best available lawyer.

The routing part is subtle. The bigger the call volume, the more important the accuracy of call distribution is. The end goal, of course, is to route all callers to the best-fitting lawyer so more of them convert and all get the best experience with their call.

Here are some important factors to consider when distributing phone calls:
- Request type: Factoring in the caller’s inquiry type is absolutely necessary, as all callers must get to the right department. For example, operators from the personal injury department may not have the expertise to handle calls related to corporate or real estate law.
- Operator availability: Routing calls to one of the available lawyers means losing fewer callers at the distribution stage while potentially sacrificing the quality of service for calls handled by suboptimal operators.
- Location Distributing: callers to lawyers from the same state or city makes sense because they know all the ins and outs of the local legal system and are likely to provide better service.
- Operator performance: Connecting the most potentially profitable clients to the best-performing agents is a great strategy to increase your profits

In practice, it makes sense to use all these and any other distribution criteria that help connect your clients to the right lawyers – just like it makes sense to use call tracking, distribution, and analytics software in sync.

Step 3 – Handling the Call

One of the biggest advantages of advanced call tracking systems is that the live operator – the lawyer who will soon speak to a potential client – receives access to the client’s data even before the call starts, getting some time to prepare for the call. Such a head start in phone conversations significantly increases the conversion rate and, in the long run, grows your bottom line.

Post-Call Analytics to Improve the Caller’s Journey

Once the phone call ends, whether the caller converts, bounces, or requires further nurturing, the recording of the call is stored in the database so you can reevaluate it at any time, including individual call tracking metrics:
- Call time – the date and time when the call was made
- Call duration – how long the call lasted and whether the call was in a queue
- Keywords used in the conversation

Once the call ends, all collected data is added to the database, and the call management system can issue prompts that may arise if any of the marketing patterns change or your call processing strategy can be improved.

The Best Call Tracking Software for Lawyers in 2024 and 2025

Phonexa – All-in-One Performance Marketing Software Suite

Phonexa is an eight-in-one performance marketing software suite that allows businesses to automate call, SMS, social media, referral, and affiliate marketing and manage it all from a single dashboard. Call tracking is included in the package, effectively synergizing with the other seven marketing tools.

Main Features

- Eight performance marketing solutions under one roof, including call recording and tracking software
- Web and call lead tracking, distribution, and analytics
- Operator performance scoring and call recording

What Type of Law Firms Need Phonexa

Phonexa is great for lawyers processing a large number of phone calls, interested in setting up a dedicated cloud call center, and – most of all – marketers who want to coordinate various avenues for better performance (read: omnichannel marketing).

Nimbata – Dedicated Call Tracking Solution for Lawyers

While Phonexa is an all-encompassing call tracking solution that suits any industry, Nimbata is a more narrow-focused one, covering legal, real estate, education, health, home, and travel fields. The platform easily integrates with your CRM or lead management software and provides local or toll-free phone numbers or allows you to port your own numbers.

Main Features

- SEO and PPC call tracking
- Call tracking numbers from over 70 countries
- Advanced call routing: geo, time of day, priority ringing, etc.

What Type of Law Firms Need Nimbata

Nimbata is great for law firms that accept at least 100 monthly calls. No less important, the product complies with domestic and overseas privacy regulations like GDPR so that you can be sure of the safety of your data and compliance.

CallScaler – Affordable Call Tracking Software for Lawyers

CallScaler is a dedicated call tracking solution for law firms and home services, offering affordable coverage that starts from $0.50 per phone number. They provide everything you may need to track inbound calls, including the DNI technology, easy call routing, and sourcing all incoming calls.

Main Features

- Inbound and outbound call tracking and recording
- AI transcription and summarization of phone calls
- Inbound SMS and voicemail

What Type of Law Firms Need CallScaler

CallScaler is a comprehensive call tracking suite that works best for high-volume businesses that want to reduce phone tracking costs. Likewise, the solution is great for lawyers willing to scale without sacrificing the quality of call routing or in-conversation service.

KrispCall – Call Center Software for Law Firms and Lawyers

KrispCall is a VoIP call center software suite that offers international phone numbers for over 100 countries, IVR support, and phone number sharing. The solution integrates with over a hundred CRM systems, so you will likely easily align it with your system.

Main Features

- Virtual phone number for over 100 countries
- In-depth call tracking and analytics, including performance reports
- Auto-attendant and virtual receptionist

What Type of Law Firms Need KrispCall

KrispCall works best for law firms that provide international coverage and have a large volume of calls distributed within an internal sales department. The software grants granular analytics, so you can constantly adjust and customize call campaigns based on your current performance.

CallRail – Popular Call Tracking and Analytics Platform

CallRail is an alternative to Phonexa, as it provides more or less the same toolkit, including advanced features like conversation intelligence, call recording, call scoring, IVR, and multi-touch attribution. Integration-wise, all major platforms are supported: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, HubSpot, Google Analytics, Salesforce, and many more.

Main Features

- AI-driven call tracking and conversational intelligence
- Unified communication system for internal teams
- Local call tracking numbers included in the subscription plan

What Type of Law Firms Need CallRail

CallRail is a universal solution that fits law firms of all types and scales, especially agencies that are also into home service, healthcare, auto, finance, or real estate lead generation markets.

Is Call Tracking Really Necessary for Lawyers?

If you’re an individual lawyer who has worked their way through hundreds of successful cases, you may not even need to track your calls – decades of successful practice speak for themselves.

However, as an aspiring legal practitioner, or if you want to scale, you surely need to squeeze the most out of your previous and existing clients – and you can only do it with call tracking software when it comes to phone calls.
On a similar note, tracking inbound calls will put you ahead of around half the lawyers who don’t use call tracking technologies or are just planning to use them.

Source: Statista

How Far Can Call Tracking Software Advance Law Firm Marketing? Case Studies

The impact of call tracking on your marketing and sales will depend on the scale of your business, the call tracking solution in place, and how well you can convert clients you know all about.

Here’s a typical case study for a law firm that empowered themselves with call tracking:

Montgomery Family Law, a family law and divorce firm, grew their conversion rates by successfully directing callers from their listings to their call processing funnel with call tracking software at heart.

No luck involved. Like most businesses that implemented call tracking software, Montgomery Family Law was able to redirect resources from managing their numerous listings and marketing campaigns to managing strategic tasks that have a bigger impact on conversion rates.

Here’s another one:

Ashtons Legal, a full-service law firm covering individual, business, and injury claims, saved half the time they’ve spent on call listening. Before they implemented Mediahawk’s call tracking software, all inbound calls were handled by their marketing team manually.

Implementing Mediahawk’s call tracking software and speech analytics solution allowed Ashtons Legal to categorize incoming calls by discipline and also into new and existing customers. Now, they only spend half the time they used to spend on call listening and routing.

Law Firm Marketing Automation Is a Must to Stay Ahead

Whether you generate organic traffic or buy traffic from pay-per-call providers, tracking your clients from start to finish is the only way to understand precisely who they are, what they want, and how to beat the competition. And there’s only one type of software that can help you track inbound calls at scale: call tracking software.

The best thing is that you don’t have to commit unprepared. Almost all software providers offer demo versions or at least free consultations so you can get the hang of their product. Speaking of which, most call tracking suites are quite affordable, starting from a few dozen dollars monthly.

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Posted - 09/16/2024