4 Steps to Take After a Boating Accident

Statistics suggest that over 5,000 boating accidents happen yearly in the United States, resulting in $62.5 million in damages. Boating collisions, slips and falls, and drowning are the most common boating accidents. These accidents may lead to traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, and lacerations. Burns and muscle strains are other accidents you may experience.

If you're injured in a boating accident due to somebody else's negligence, you're legally entitled to compensation. However, what you do after the accident influences whether you’ll be compensated and how much you’ll receive. Outlined below are four steps to take after a boating accident.

1. Seek prompt medical care

Whether you've sustained visible or invisible injuries, seeking immediate medical attention after a boating accident is critical. Besides getting proper treatment for the visible injuries, the hidden ones, which aren't immediately apparent, can be diagnosed promptly to ensure they don't escalate and result in more severe consequences. This helps speed recovery while protecting your health.

In addition, getting immediate treatment for your injuries acts as crucial proof when pursuing a personal injury case. Comprehensive medical records are concrete evidence of the injuries you sustained and how they directly connect to the accident. These records help ensure you’re fairly compensated for the emotional and physical trauma the incident caused.

2. Hire a boating accident attorney

Hiring a boating accident lawyer can be quite helpful if you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit after an accident. Boating accident laws aren't easy to navigate, particularly if you lack a legal background. While you can represent yourself, doing so can compromise your winning chances or result in lower compensation. A boating accident lawyer has experience filing and fighting boating accident claims. They're conversant with the laws surrounding the subject, which makes it easier for them to identify the liable party.

The right boating accident attorney will evaluate your claim correctly to ensure you get maximum compensation. They’ll also deal with insurance companies on your behalf while helping prove your claim. You can visit this website to consult with a reliable boating accident attorney.

3. Document the incident and gather proof

Based on your situation, documenting the incident can be challenging. If possible, do it when the occurrence is still fresh in your memory, as this information can come in handy for your insurance and personal injury claims. To prove your claim in court, you need sufficient, relevant evidence. Gather as much proof as you can, including:
- Pictures of the accident scene
- Medical bills and records showing your injuries and their treatment
- Witness statements which can be from other boaters, passengers, or bystanders who witnessed the accident
- If a report was filed with the United States Coast Guard, get a copy

Organize and preserve this proof to help build a solid case and demonstrate your injuries' severity and the damage's extent.

4. File your boating accident lawsuit within the set timelines

The timelines within which you should file your boating accident lawsuit or statute of limitations vary from one state to the other. Failure to adhere to your state’s statute of limitations causes you to lose the right to claim compensation. So, consider working with an experienced personal injury attorney because they'll help you file the claim within the correct timelines.


If you’re injured in a boating accident that’s somebody else’s fault, you deserve compensation for your injuries, financial losses, and emotional trauma. Consider following these steps after a boating accident to better your winning chances. 

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Posted - 12/07/2023