Patrick Malone
Patrick Malone & Associates, P.C.
Contact Information
202-742-1500, pmalone@patrickmalonelaw.com
I am a leading patient safety advocate and attorney who represents seriously injured people in medical malpractice lawsuits, product liability cases and other types of lawsuits. Every client is unique and special and deserves our full attention to bring them justice. This philosophy holds true whether you have been harmed by medical malpractice, a motor vehicle or another cause.
Areas of Law and Practice
Areas of Law | Areas of Practice |
Legal Malpractice | Legal Malpractice Defense, Legal Negligence, Legal Professional Liability |
Medical Malpractice | Birth Trauma, Chiropractors Malpractice, Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice, Dental Malpractice, Dental Malpractice Defense, Failure to Diagnose, Gynecology Malpractice, Medical Disciplinary Proceedings, Medical Liability, Medical Malpractice Defense, Medical Negligence, Medical-Legal Law, Medication Errors, Mental Health Professionals Malpractice, Nursing Liability, Nursing Malpractice, Nursing Negligence, Obstetric Malpractice, Oncology Law, Optometric Malpractice, Orthopedic Malpractice, Pediatric Malpractice, Pharmacists Liability, Physicians Professional Liability, Physicians Rights, Physicians Risk Management, Podiatric Malpractice, Psychiatric Malpractice, Psychology Malpractice, Psychotherapy Law, Surgeons Liability, Wrong Site Surgery |
Personal Injury | Accidents, Animal Attacks, Aquatic Injuries, Automobile Accidents and Injuries, Automobile Negligence, Bicycle Accidents, Boating Accidents, Bodily Injury, Brain Injury, Bus Accidents, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Catastrophic Injury, Commercial Vehicle Liability, Dog Bites, Electrical Injury, Head Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Injuries, Motorcycle Accidents, Neurolaw, Pedestrian Injuries, Personal Injury Appeals, Product Liability, Severe Burns, Sexual Abuse, Slip and Fall, Spinal Injury, Subway Accidents, Third Party Wrongful Death, Work Place Injury, Whiplash, Wrongful Death |
- District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia
Employment History
Attorney | Patrick Malone & Associates
2007 - 2019
- No Information
Attorney Rating and Feedback
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Publications and Presentations
No Publications
I verify that I am licensed to practice in the State(s) identified and maintain all
necessary insurance.
Washington, District of Columbia, District Of Columbia County
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