Marcus Julius Zanon
MJZanon - Intellectual Property Lawyer in Brazil
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M. J. Zanon – Brazilian IP Lawyer, Translations, Trademarks & Patents is committed to understanding our clients’ products and services, and the competitive advantage such products and services afford our clients vis-à-vis their competitors. This process may involve evaluating existing assets of a client and its competitors, such as rendering opinions as to the validity or infringement of patents or trademarks. Once a client’s business and its relevant industry are understood. We will craft a program to protect and exploit intellectual property assets to protect our client’s long-term earnings capacity. This process may involve preparing, prosecuting and maintaining patent and trademark applications, monitoring competitor activities, asserting existing intellectual property assets against infringers, and licensing intellectual property assets.
Areas of Law and Practice
Areas of Law | Areas of Practice |
Biotechnology | Biochemical Technology, Biomedical Technology, Biotechnology Licensing, Enzymology, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology |
Civil Rights | Civil Liberties, Civil Rights Defense, Civil Rights Section 1983, Disability Discrimination, Disabled Access, Disabled Rights, Discrimination, Gay and Lesbian Rights, Handicapped Rights, Human Rights, International Human Rights, Personal Rights, Prisoners Rights, Prisoners Rights Class Actions, Public Interest Law, Race Discrimination, Reproductive Rights, Sex Discrimination, Womens Rights |
Commercial Law | Commercial Arbitration, Commercial Bad Faith, Commercial Constitutional Law, Commercial Crimes, Commercial Fraud, Commercial Liability, Commercial Litigation, Commercial Mediation, Commercial Torts, Commercial Transactions, Commercial Transfers, Commercial Trusts, Complex Commercial Litigation, International Commercial Arbitration, International Commercial Law, International Sale of Goods, Negotiable Instruments, Retail Liability, Sale of Goods, Secured Transactions, Uniform Commercial Code, Warehousing |
Computers and Software | Computer Contracts, Computer Crime, Computer Fraud, Computer Law, Computer Security, Computer Software Law, Computer Technology, Data Protection, Information Technology, Information Technology Contracts, Information Technology Licensing, International Computer Law, Software Copyright, Software Licensing, Software Protection, Software Publishing Technology |
Contracts | Contract Drafting, Commercial Contracts, Contract Fraud, Contract Litigation, International Commercial Contracts, International Contracts |
Copyrights | Copyright Infringement, Copyright Licensing, Copyright Litigation, Copyright Prosecution, Copyright Protection, Copyright Registration, International Copyright Law, Internet Copyright Law |
Intellectual Property | Artistic Property, Brand Management, Chemical Intellectual Property, Electrical Intellectual Property, Electronic Intellectual Property, Industrial Models and Designs, Industrial Property, Industrial Property Rights, Intellectual Property Arbitration, Intellectual Property Enforcement, Intellectual Property Infringement, Intellectual Property Licensing, Intellectual Property Litigation, Intellectual Property Portfolio Management, Intellectual Property Procurement, Intellectual Property Prosecution, Intellectual Property Rights, International Intellectual Property, International Licensing, Internet Intellectual Property, Literary Property, Mechanical Intellectual Property, Medical Intellectual Property, Merchandising, New Media Law, Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property, Piracy, Proprietary Rights, Protection of Personality |
International Law | Foreign Asset Control, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Hague Convention Proceedings, International Comparative Law, International Conflict of Laws, International Treaty Law, United Nations Law |
Law Enforcement | Corrections Law, Excessive Use of Force, False Arrest, False Imprisonment, High Speed Police Pursuit Litigation, Law Enforcement Disciplinary, Proceedings, Law Enforcement Liability, Law Enforcement Officers Rights, Police Brutality, Police Liability, Police Liability Defense, Police Misconduct |
Patents | Biochemical Patents, Biotechnology Patent Prosecution, Biotechnology Patents, Business Method Patents, Chemical Patent Prosecution, Chemical Patents, Computer and Software Patents, Computer Architecture Patents, Design Patents, Electrical Patent Prosecution, Electrical Patents, Electro-Mechanical Patents, Electronic Patents, International Patent Prosecution, International Patents, Internet Patents, Mechanical Patent Prosecution, Mechanical Patents, Medical Patents, Metallurgical Patents, Molecular Biology Patents, Patent Applications, Patent Infringement, Patent Interference Practice, Patent Licensing, Patent Litigation, Patent Portfolio Management, Patent Prosecution, Patent Protection, Pharmaceutical Patent Prosecution, Pharmaceutical Patents |
Trade Secrets | Theft of Trade Secrets, Trade Secret Misappropriation |
Trademarks | Counterfeiting, International Trademarks, Internet Trademarks, Lanham Act, Service Marks, Trade Dress, Trade Names, Trademark Arbitration, Trademark Infringement, Trademark Licensing, Trademark Litigation, Trademark Prosecution, Trademark Protection, Trademark Registration |
- Federal
- New York
Employment History
Innovation and Technology Analist | MJZanon Brazilian Intellectual Property Lawyer
1994 - 2019
Technology Transfer Office (TTO) manager, Innovation and Technology Analist | Parana Institute of Technology
1994 - 2019
International MBA in Innovation | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUC PR
2016 - 2017
Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer | Universidade do Oeste do Parana - UNICENTRO
2017 - 2019
Universidade Tuiuti do Parana - UTP | Law degree
2013 - 2017
Attorney Rating and Feedback
Publications and Presentations
No Publications
New York, New York, New York County
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