Kathleen Schulz
Attorney at Law
KAS Immigration Law
Contact Information
800-282-4962, kschulz@kasfirm.com
No Information added
Managing Attorney KAS Immigration Law 2016 - Present
Managing Attorney The Law Office of Kathleen A. Schulz, Esq. 2013 - Present
Partner Schulz & Hughes, LLC 2015 - 2016
Attorney Ad Litem for Children with Certain Special Needs Department Of Justice 2014 - 2016
Managing Attorney KAS Legal & Risk Soluions, P.A. 2014 - 2016
Litigation Specialist Citizens Property Insurance Corporation 2012 - 2014
Summer Associate McDermott Will & Emery China Law Office (Shanghai, China) 2009 - 2009
Florida Coastal School of Law Doctor of Jurisprudence/Juris Doctor 2010
Monash University Comparative Law - J.D. Focus 2009
University of Canterbury Comparative Law - J.D. Focus 2009
Purdue University Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), 2007
The Institutes CPCU 2017
Proudly Served the 11th, 15th, and 17th Cir. of Florida U.S. Dept. of Justice - Judicially Assigned Guardian Ad Litem Attorney 2015
The Florida Bar Member in Good Standing, Young Lawyer Division 2013 - Present
American Bar Association Litigation Commitee 2010 - Present
U.S. Department of Justice Attorney Member 2014 - 2017
American Bar Association Real Property, Trusts, and Estate Comitte Member 2013 - 2017
Areas of Law and Practice
Areas of Law | Areas of Practice |
Criminal Law | Assault and Battery, Bribery, Burglary, Capital Offenses, Civil Forfeiture, Crime Victims Compensation, Criminal Antitrust, Criminal Appeals, Criminal Conspiracy, Criminal Defense, Criminal Forfeiture, Criminal Fraud, Criminal Investigation, Criminal Prosecution, Death Penalty, Drivers License Suspension, Driving While Intoxicated, DUI/DWI, Electronic Surveillance, Expungements, Extortion, Extradition, Federal Criminal Law, Felonies, Forensic Accounting, Forensic DNA, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Science, Forgery, Grand Jury Practice, Habeas Corpus, Hit and Run, Homicide, International Criminal Law, International Extradition, Mail Fraud, Malicious Prosecution, Manslaughter, Misdemeanors, Money Laundering, Murder, Parole and Probation, Post-Conviction Remedies, Search and Seizure, Sex Crimes, Sexual Assault, Shoplifting, Stalking, Theft, Traffic Violations, Vehicular Homicide, Victims Rights, Weapons Charges, White Collar Law, Wire Fraud, Wiretapping, Drug Offenses, Domestic Violence |
Family Law | Adoptions, Agency Adoptions, Alimony, Annulment, Assisted Reproductive Technology, Child Abduction, Child Abuse and Neglect, Child Advocacy, Child Care, Child Custody, Child Custody Mediation, Child Dependency, Child Protection, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Support, Child Welfare, Childrens Rights, Civil Unions, Cohabitation Agreements, Collaborative Family Law, Community Property Law, Day Care, Divorce, Divorce Arbitration, Divorce Mediation, Divorce Taxation, Domestic Partnerships, Domestic Relations, Domestic Torts, Domestic Violence, Equitable Distribution, Family Arbitration, Family Mediation, Fathers Rights, Foster Care, Gay and Lesbian Family Law, Grandparents Custody, Grandparents Visitation Rights, Independent Adoptions, International Adoptions, International Child Abduction, International Child Custody, International Family Law, Interstate Adoptions, Interstate Child Custody, Interstate Support, Juvenile Criminal Law, Juvenile Dependency, Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Law, Legal Separation, Marital Agreements, Marital Property Distribution, Marital Property Law, Marital Property Settlements, Matrimonial Bankruptcy Law, Matrimonial Law, Military Divorce, Name Changes, No Fault Divorce, Non-Traditional Family Law, Orphans Court Practice, Palimony, Parental Kidnapping, Parental Rights, Parenting Time, Paternity, Post Divorce Modification, Postnuptial Agreements, Premarital Agreements, Private Adoptions, Qualified Domestic Relations Orders, (QDROs), Restraining Orders, Same Sex Marriage, Spousal Support, Step Parent Adoptons, Surrogacy Law, Termination of Parental Rights, Third Party Custody, Uncontested Divorce, Visitation Rights |
Immigration Law | Asylum, Business Immigration, Citizenship, Consular Law, Deportation, Diplomatic Immunity, Employment Authorizations, Employment Immigration, Employment Visas, Family Immigration Law, Immigration Discrimination, Investor Visas, Labor Certifications, Permanent Visas, Political Asylum, Refugee Law, Religious Visas, Removal Proceedings, Visas |
- Federal
- Florida
Employment History
Managing Attorney | The Law Office of Kathleen A. Schulz, Esq.
2014 - 2018
J.D. | Florida Coastal School of Law
2007 - 2010
Attorney Rating and Feedback
Publications and Presentations
No Publications
Saint Petersburg, Florida, Pinellas County
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