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Do I Need A Florida Car Accident Lawyer?

Over 200K car accidents are reported in The Sunshine State each year. That comes out to around 650 per day. Unfortunately, Florida residents and visitors aren't immune to the huge impact that car accidents have on the state.  

If you are involved in an accident caused by someone else, even one that may seem minor, having a car accident lawyer review your case and help you file a lawsuit is highly recommended.  

The legal system in the state can be complex, and if you are trying to recover from injuries, the last thing you want to have to focus on is trying to fight or negotiate with the other party's insurance company. With the help of a car accident attorney, you have someone advocating for your rights and needs to help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.  

How to Tell if You Need a Car Accident Attorney 

Some small or minor accidents in Florida may not require the services of a personal injury attorney. This is especially true for accidents that did not cause extensive damage to your vehicle or injuries.  

However, after being involved in an accident, it's important to understand that you have the right to work with an experienced attorney no matter what type of accident you are involved in.  

The attorney you hire can offer strategic guidance and advice while ensuring a thorough investigation of the accident is conducted. They will also file all required paperwork for you. If the insurer disputes your claim or if they want to offer you less money than what you deserve, your car accident lawyer will negotiate to ensure you receive what you deserve.  

While legal services can be valuable in many contexts, they are particularly beneficial if you have suffered a more serious injury, such as: 

  • Permanent loss of use of an organ or appendage 
  • Significantly limited use of your body for 90 days or more 
  • Severe disfigurement 
  • Broken bones 

In these situations, your car accident claim can be filed against the insurance provider of any driver responsible or partially responsible for the accident. Liability claims can also provide for more coverage than no-fault insurance. This includes things like an increased percentage of your lost wages and compensation for any pain and suffering you experienced.  

Some other car accident cases may also involve intricate legal concepts or complex negotiations. This is especially true if the insurer for the at-fault party is disputing the claim you have filed. Hiring an auto accident lawyer may be a smart move in these situations, too: 

  • An insurer has denied your claim or wants to reduce the value 
  • You are accused of fault 
  • The accident involved a company vehicle or employee driver 
  • Vehicle repairs are estimated to cost thousands of dollars 
  • The insurer requests a copy of your medical history 
  • The accident involved more complex issues, or several parties were involved 

Hiring an auto accident attorney is highly recommended if you are in any of these situations or just unsure what to do or where to turn.  

Factors That May Impact Your Auto Accident Claim 

Usually, multiple factors come into play for every automobile accident. Because of this, each one is unique. This also means that each claim resulting from an auto accident is unique.  

All specific details and contributing factors related to your claim must be considered.  

Some of the factors that can impact your car accident include: 

  • Condition of your vehicle and the vehicle parts 
  • Poor road conditions or maintenance problems 
  • Driver error considerations 
  • No signs or traffic signals where the accident occurred 
  • Influence of distracted or drunk driving 

The factors can make a huge difference in your accident claim. Because of this, your attorney will work with you to ensure a full and comprehensive investigation of the accident and situation.  

Trying to navigate the world of insurance isn't easy. It's especially true for anyone who is struggling with an accident-caused injury. Because of this, you must find a quality personal injury attorney in Florida to represent your claim.  

You must find a personal injury attorney who has experience handling these types of claims. They should also be willing to take on big-name insurance companies, and who will handle your case in a timely manner. These are essential factors when it comes to selecting an attorney.  

Understanding the Different Types of Car Accident Claims  

Most car accidents occur because of driver negligence. Due to this, the accident attorney you hire must provide a full investigation of what happened and all contributing factors.  

Some of the most common types of car accident claims that are filed include: 


You will have the best chance of winning a car accident claim if the attorney you hire can prove the party's negligence. Some of the most common examples of negligence include failure to yield, distracted driving, drunk driving, etc.  

Defective Car Parts 

If your vehicle, or the other party's vehicle, had a defective party before the accident occurred, it's possible to file a claim against the vehicle manufacturer. However, to prove a defective car claim, you must not be at fault for the accident. The attorney you hire needs to prove that the accident resulted from the defective part, which resulted from manufacturing issues.  

While this type of claim may seem more complex (and it often is), it's completely possible to win compensation. Suppose it can be proven that the accident occurred because of faulty vehicle parts. In that case, the vehicle's manufacturer is considered at fault, no matter who caused the accident (you or the other party).  

Faulty Construction, Design, or Road Conditions 

While the state of Florida spends a large sum of money on road maintenance each year, car accidents may still occur because of construction, road conditions, or road design.  

If this is determined to be the cause of the accident, and no other factors come into play, drivers are not held responsible. Issues like faulty traffic signals, a lack of proper signs, and improper maintenance or design of the road can all contribute to an accident and the amount of compensation you receive.  

Common Injuries from Car Accidents  

Every car accident results from unique factors and can cause several different types of injuries. Unfortunately, treatment for some injuries won't always be covered by your insurance policy.  

Some of the most common types of injuries you may experience during a vehicle accident include: 
  • Broken bones 
  • Whiplash 
  • Paralysis 
  • Burns 
  • Joint or muscle damage or injuries 
  • Damage to your spinal cord 
  • Neck or back damage 
  • Loss of limbs 
  • Disability 
  • Scarring 

In certain situations, the injuries caused by a car accident allow you to receive compensation. While this is true, working to pursue a claim with the at-fault party's insurance company may be challenging. After all, they will be trying to reduce your claim amount to protect their bottom line.  

Because of this, you must work closely with your auto accident lawyer and provide all the information they need to help create the strongest compensation claim.  

Types of Compensation After an Auto Accident 

If you believe your accident was someone else's fault and you hire an attorney, they will work to help ensure you get the compensation you deserve. You can claim several different types of compensation after an auto accident. These include: 

  • Medical costs (current and future) 
  • Loss of consortium 
  • Future medical expenses 
  • Wrongful death 
  • Punitive damages 
  • Lost wages 
  • Mental anguish 
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Loss of earning capacity  

The type and amount of compensation you can recover depends on your situation. Your attorney will review the facts of your case to help you better understand what type of compensation you may be entitled to.  

The Top Reasons You Should Hire a Car Accident Attorney 

You may believe you can handle the case yourself. After all, paying an attorney a portion of your compensation is something some accident victims want to avoid.  

However, the services offered by a personal injury attorney are invaluable. Also, the compensation you pay can be negotiated, and usually, an attorney will help you get a higher amount than if you pursued the claim alone. This makes their services more than worthwhile.  

If you are still hesitant to hire legal representation for help with your case, consider some of the services they offer here.  

Accident Investigation 

Determining fault after a crash isn't always simple. Even when it is, it's necessary to ensure the right evidence is collected to prove fault.  

Negligence or fault can greatly impact the amount of compensation you are given in your settlement offer. Also, unless you successfully prove the other party was at-fault, you may not recover compensation at all.  

When you hire an attorney, they will begin investigating the situation right away. This includes gathering physical evidence, pictures of the scene, video footage, police reports, witness statements, and more.  

Filing Your Lawsuit 

Filing a claim for compensation after an accident can be confusing. You may be unsure how to file the claim or who to file it against. This is particularly the case if your accident resulted from someone other than another driver, such as a defective auto part manufacturer.  

Hiring a car accident lawyer will ensure you file your claim against the right party and in a timely manner.  

Proving Damages  

Suppose you experience an injury after a crash and deal with losses. In that case, you may believe the insurance adjuster is the one who should handle processing your claim and provide you with compensation. Unfortunately, you must prove your losses to recover any amount of compensation. Hiring an attorney will help with all this and gather the needed documentation to provide what amount of compensation is fair.  

Negotiating Your Settlement Offer  

In some situations, an insurance adjuster will offer claimants much less than what they deserve. The goal of this is that you (the claimant) will accept the money because you are desperate or frustrated with the situation. In many cases, it works, especially if you don't have an attorney.  

If your settlement offer doesn't cover the full damages you experienced, your attorney can work to negotiate for a more suitable amount on your behalf. If you don't have an attorney, you may never know that you could receive a higher amount of compensation.  

Taking Your Lawsuit to Court 

If it is impossible to reach a fair settlement with the insurance company, hiring an attorney who can take your claim to court is important.  

Tips for Choosing a Car Accident Attorney 

The right attorney for your case is familiar with the law in the area and who is willing to represent your case to help you receive the compensation you deserve.  

Some factors to consider when choosing an attorney include: 

  • Accolades and awards from peers, the community, and clients 
  • Record of how many settlements have been won for clients 
  • The reputation that shows the attorney is in good standing with the state bar and community 
  • History of transparency proven by client testimonials 

Choosing an attorney may seem like a daunting process, but it doesn't have to be when you know what to look for.  

Hiring a Car Accident Attorney for Your Case 

There's no question you may be unsure of what to do next when it comes to car accidents. If this is the case, one of the smartest moves you can make is to find and hire a reputable and professional car accident attorney.  

Our team has years of experience providing representation for people just like you. We are here to help ensure you get the compensation you deserve for the injuries and damages you experienced. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Being informed and knowing what the services of an experienced auto accident attorney look like will ensure you find and hire the right person for the situation.  

About the Author
David Shiner
Posted - 04/06/2022 | Florida