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Which Type of Modification is Right for You? A Look at the Trends Regarding HAMP v. Traditional Mortgage Loan Modifications in the U.S
Many homeowners who were delinquent or in default on their mortgages
have obtained relief by securing a modification of various terms of
their loans. Over a four-year period from 2007 to 2001, the U.S.
Treasury reports that more than 2.1 million property owners obtained
modifications throughout the United States, and millions more have
obtained modifications in the years since. Such modifications not only
help owners keep their property but also relieve loan servicers and
banks of the arduous task of pursuing payment collections and
While mortgage loan modifications can certainly provide relief for
borrowers almost immediately, it is also important to look at the
longer-term trends regarding modifications and their success rate at
avoiding foreclosure. If modifications are merely a delay of
foreclosure, it can actually end up costing both property owners and
financial institutions more time, money, and other resources. It is also
important to examine the trends in different types of modifications and
the potential benefits and drawbacks of each to help determine whether a
mortgage modification is the appropriate choice for your situation.
Trends in Federal HAMP Modifications
The most popular subsection of the 2009 Making Home Affordable (MHA)
program intended to assist with the sudden housing and foreclosure
crisis is the Making Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). This
program requires struggling homeowners to apply for a potential
modification and qualify based on relatively strict criteria. There are
two tiers of HAMP modifications, which are as follows:
- HAMP Tier 1 – This is the original and most basic form of a government-assisted modification available for owner-occupiers of single-family homes.
- HAMP Tier 2 – This tier was added in 2012 and opens up the possibility of modification for mortgages on rental or vacation properties, with less stringent criteria than tier 1 modifications.
While HAMP modifications have been successful solutions for many
homeowners in the U.S., some of the trends regarding this program can be
Denial Rates – One significant drawback of HAMP is the extremely
strict criteria that homeowners must meet to even begin the modification
process. A report by the Office of the Special Inspector General for
the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) revealed that an estimated
70 percent of homeowners have been denied assistance from the program
since its inception. This equals about 4 million homeowners who were
left to seek other options or face foreclosure. Some people have seen
this decline rate as a negative trend of HAMP, as the program has not
reached nearly the number of homeowners it originally set out to assist.
Re-Default Risks – In some cases, even a modification of a
mortgage loan cannot solve the financial problems of homeowners and they
then default on their modified loan, which is referred to as
“re-default.” A Mortgage Metrics Report published by the Officer of the
Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) stated that approximately 62 percent
of borrowers with modified HAMP loans were still current on their loans
or had successfully paid off their loans. The other 38 percent had
re-defaulted by becoming 60 or more days delinquent despite their
Future Challenges due to Rate Resets – While HAMP often provides
relief by significantly lowering a borrower’s interest rate, this relief
only persists for five years. After that time, the program requires
that a mortgage rate will begin to reset to its original rate. While
this is a gradual process of one percent added on an annual basis, even a
one percent increase can significantly affect a homeowner’s ability to
pay the mortgage. In recent years, the Federal Housing Finance Agency
(FHFA) has made recommendations for HAMP to assist borrowers who are
experiencing rate resets. In the meantime, however, we may see a trend
in increasing re-default for HAMP borrowers facing resets.
Trends in Traditional Modifications
Borrowers who seek “traditional” or “proprietary” loan modifications do
so directly through their mortgage lenders. Homeowners can approach
their lenders if they are experiencing financial hardship to avoid any
foreclosure proceedings or can agree to a loan modification as part of
the foreclosure mediation process. These modifications can be more
flexible in both the criteria used to approve modifications and how the
modification can affect different loan terms.
Re-default Rates – At the time the OCC reported that 62 percent
of HAMP borrowers were current on their modified loans, the same report
indicated7 that only 54 percent of borrowers with traditional
modifications remained current on their payments. While this percentage
may seem discouraging for those considering proprietary modifications,
it should be taken into account that the vast majority of mortgage loans
are modified directly through the banks than through HAMP, which can
significantly skew the statistics.
Affected Loan Factors – A very recent report by the OCC8
demonstrated hopeful statistics regarding the trends in traditional loan
modifications. Initially, the goal of a modification seemed to be to
make the payments immediately affordable for the borrower but did not
always take into consideration the sustainability of the modified
payments, which could increase the rate of potential re-default. The
report showed that in recent years, proprietary modifications have
become more complex in modifying a combination of factors to try to
improve both sustainability and affordability for borrowers.
Overall Conclusions and Looking to the Future
While some studies have concluded that HAMP modifications have a higher
success rate than traditional modifications, researchers also took into
account the significantly stricter application process and criteria to
qualify for either HAMP tier, leading them to have mixed conclusions
about the benefits and efficacy of the HAMP program over proprietary
modifications. Furthermore, as more and more homeowners experience more
dramatic rate resets, the HAMP modification success rates may begin to
In addition, it is important to understand that how a loan is modified –
such as loan term, interest rate, among other factors – can greatly
impact the success of a modification. As the years pass and more data
becomes available regarding the risk factors that may lead to re-default
and ultimate foreclosures after a modification, both HAMP and financial
institutions can change the way they modify loans to increase success.
Findings have shown that borrowers’ performance on modified loans is
only improving relative to their performance in the first few years of
the mortgage crisis.
Overall, the past trends showing higher rates of failed modifications
leading to foreclosures should not at all deter struggling homeowners
from considering a loan modification as a possible solution to avoid
Is a Modification Right for You? Discuss Your Options with an Experienced New York Attorney
If you are having difficulty making your mortgage payments, it is
critical to realize that foreclosure is not inevitable. At the Law
Office of Ronald D. Weiss, P.C., we help homeowners in and around Long
Island and Nassau find solutions to keep their homes, including seeking
loan modifications. If you would like more information regarding your specific options, please call (631) 479-2455 for assistance today.