Helpful Articles
Islip, NY Bankruptcy Attorney
While the median income in Islip, New York is around $94,000 per year for a household,1 many residents of this town on the South Shore of Long Island are still struggling to make ends meet. Thanks to ever-rising housing prices and a cost of living well above the national average,2 many households are living below the poverty line, especially with the still not-so-stable job market3 on Long Island. With all of these factors combined with other unexpected life events such as illness... -
Getting Rid Of The Bail System In California Can Be Detrimental To Our State's Finances
As a business owner within the bail bond industry, we've come across a very challenging hurdle which is better known as "Bail Reform". This article is going to cover and outline the major points that are involved in the California bail reform initiative. What is Bail Reform? Bail reform was created to give certain individuals that are in custody for committing a criminal offense, a proper chance to protect themselves throughout the pre-trial system. This chance is better known... -
Should you seek medical treatment after a Serious Head Injury?
What is Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI)? Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is usually caused by a sudden physical jolt or blow to the head, neck, or body that results in a brain malfunction, which can range from temporary to permanent. In fact, the precipitating event need not be extreme to result in a TBI. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, however, nearly a third of injury-related deaths in the United States are caused by TBIs. If you or someone you know has sustained ... -
Life Insurance Policies Protect Child Support and Alimony -
How to Act in a Courtroom -
Dying After a Divorce—What Happens to the Alimony and Child Support Obligations -
Child Support: What to Do About Late or Missing Child Support Payments -
Even “Fender-Benders” Can Cause Serious Injuries
Rear-end accidents are some of the most common collisions on the roads in San Antonio and throughout the United States. In a single year, there were about 2,101,000 rear-end crashes reported in the U.S., which was more than any other type of collision. Many people refer to rear-end accidents as “fender-benders” because they often cause relatively minor property damage to bumpers and are not considered to be particularly serious events. However, statistics indicate that of the 2,101,000 r... -
Lawyer Up! Work Smarter, Dress Sharper and Bring Your A-Game to Court (and Life), T&G Press, 2017
This book is broken down into three sections – Inside, Outside, and What NotToWear To Court. The sections areintended to be practical, inspirational, and humorous in turn. The first section, Inside, is about getting your mind right and your head in the game. It’s a distillation of practical tips for lawyers to maximize their day-to-day work and tackle their long-term career goals. The fi... -
What are the requirements for a will to be valid?
In the estate-planning world, there are many different requirements (depending on the state) for a last will and testament to be valid. One of the main reasons to make a Will is for it to set forth the final distribution of your assets. There is no point in having a Will if it is not deemed valid in the event it is challenged in a court of law. Each state has its own requirements, but the following is for Wills that are created in the state of Illinois. First, the person making the Will must ... -
The Payment And Disclosure Of Attorneys Fees In a Long Island Bankruptcy Case
If you are having a difficult time paying your monthly bills and are considering the filing of a bankruptcy petition, it is important to gain a general understanding of how attorneys fee are charged, paid and disclosed in a Long Island bankruptcy case. The answers to these questions depend, in part on whether you intend to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Attorneys’ Fees in a Nassau County Bankruptcy Chapter 7 Bankruptcy An attorney representing an individua... -
Standing and the Possession of Original Loan Documents in a New York Foreclosure
The crash of the housing bubble in the last decade caused a devastating effect on consumers throughout New York State. In 2016, homeowners in New York are defaulting on mortgages as the result of the loss of employment and income, a by-product of the financial meltdown following the collapse of the subprime markets. Foreclosure actions in New York are a significant part of the courts’ dockets and are costing the parties involved, as well as the state, both time, and money. Adding... -
Defenses In a New York Foreclosure Based On Violations Of Truth In Lending Act And RESPA
If you are experiencing financial difficulties and cannot pay your monthly mortgage, an experienced Long Island foreclosure attorney can discuss possible solutions and even defenses to a foreclosure action should one be filed against you. While there are many different defenses that may apply to your situation, two such defenses include violations of the Truth and Lending Act or the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. Truth in Lending Violations Congress enacted the Truth i... -
Which Type of Mortgage Modification is Right for You?
Many people facing foreclosure may wrongfully believe that they have no options but to lose their home or commercial property. Fortunately, there are solutions to fight against a foreclosure and even to prevent a foreclosure action from even being filed in the first place. One of the most common alternatives to giving up your home in foreclosure is to get approved for a modification of your mortgage. Mortgage modifications can change certain terms of your mortgage to lower your payment ... -
Disclosing Attorney’s Fees in a Bankruptcy Case
Having an experienced bankruptcy attorney handling your case is imperative to obtaining the best possible results and the maximum discharge of your debts. An attorney will help ensure that you meet all requirements for disclosures, filings, and hearings so that your case can be resolved efficiently and without complications. What you may not realize is that bankruptcy laws also set out requirements for attorneys throughout the case. One important requirement is to fully and accurately... -
What is included in closing costs?
When you are selling your home (or any type of property for that matter) sellers are always curious what their closing costs are going to run. Sometimes the costs can make the difference as to whether you get money back or have to bring money to the closing. A lot of people do not realize how expensive it can be to sell their home. Below is a breakdown of the typical closing costs you will incur when you are selling your home: Realtor feesThis will usually be your biggest fee.&nb... -
What do medical malpractice attorneys do and when you should hire one?
What do medical malpractice attorneys do and when you should hire one? When most patients undergo a routine surgery, are admitted to a hospital or visit a doctor’s office there are positive outcomes and patients leave healthy and whole. Unfortunately, not all medical care has positive outcomes, and sometimes medical care can go terribly wrong. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015 survey, 86 percent of adult Americans, and 93 percent of children had some conta... -
How can police search a car without a warrant?
How can police search a car without a warrant? As a criminal law attorney, I have often argued whether law enforcement had grounds to search a client’s clothes, home, car or business. Under law, police need a warrant to inspect premises, but a recent decision from the Court of Appeals of Maryland explains that officers at a traffic stop didn’t need a warrant to search a car. Why? Because the officers had enough direct telltale signs at the stop to determine the driver could have been ca... -
Prom: Have fun and be safe (Life Saving Tips)
Prom season is upon us. Young people will be dressing up, going out, dancing and having a blast. It should be a fun and memorable night for everyone. It should also be safe. Prom night poses several unique risks for teenagers out on the road, and both prom-goers and parents should be will aware of the dangers that students might encounter during the night, and how to best avoid them. Studies have indicated that a large number of drunk driving deaths occur between April and June. Most prom... -
Amazon Key-When You’re Out-They’re In, So What’s Next?
Amazon Key-When You’re Out-They’re In, So What’s Next? Last year Amazon started Amazon Key which allows members to receive deliveries at home when they are not there. It requires a fee for a keyless lock setup and a camera so when the delivery is made, you can either watch as it happens, or it is recorded. Amazon provides notice by the phone when the window of time when delivery can be expected. The latest development allows for Amazon to deliver packages to the trunk of your ...